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Offices in Waupaca
and Steven's Point

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Hydro Tech Pressure Washing in Symco. To get in touch with Eric...

Phone him directly at: 715-863-9010.

If it's washable - Hydro Tech will do a fantastic clean up job for YOU!!

       URGENT NEWS!! 
  Read down below the picture 
  & click on the link


                     URGENT NEWS!!!

An Appleton radio station plans to go on the air, soon.  This will cause interference with WPAK, 106.9-FM, especially in our hometown Hortonville & New London area.  WPAK has been entitled by the Federal Communications Commission to be a "Primary Station" on this frequency, and was set aside for the exclusive use of these wonderful, local communities.
As you know, Appleton and the Fox Cities have many radio stations of their own.  The additional 106.9 signal placed on the northwest side of Appleton would likely interfere quite a lot with your listening in Hortonville, New London, and other places you live and travel.  This Appleton signal is considered a secondary or even tertiary, lesser priority station by the FCC, & you have every right to petition to keep your local radio listening of                                  WPAK, 106.9FM...


Please click the link below, fill it out so we can keep you informed of the progress of this petition.  The FCC actually wants to know your view and to let it be clear that this is not something you want to have happen.                       

                     They WILL listen to YOU  :-)

NOTE: you do NOT need to live in Hortonville or New London to be included in this petition.  Even if at times

    you listen while traveling the highways included in the petition.  If you care about WPAK, you're included!

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